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Når patienten inddrages i egen sikkerhed
Engelsk titel: When patients are involved in their own safety Läs online Författare: Hasselkvist, Birgith ; Thordal, Sofie ; Mejby Hansen, Mette ; Fogh, Bente Birgitte Språk: Dan Antal referenser: 10 Dokumenttyp: Artikel UI-nummer: 15023282


Sygeplejersken 2015;115(1)70-5 ISSN 0106-8350 KIBs bestånd av denna tidskrift


The patient-initiated doctor on call is an innovative initiative for patient involvement in patient safety that was tested in October and November of 2013 at the Medical Department at the Regional Hospital of Randers. As part of the project, 1,050 patients were given a patient card that permitted them to be checked by a doctor within 30 minutes, regardless of the time of day and without the restriction of having to be checked by a nurse prior. Three patients took advantage of this opportunity. Patients and family were positive about becoming involved in patient safety. There were, however, several practical obstacles to involvement: 1) a patient clientele with many cognitively debilitated persons 2) patients' basic faith in staff to observe the necessary 3) patients' desire to not be a burden. The patients considered themselves co-responsible during their hospitalisation, but did not wish to take control. Nurses, therefore, play an important role in supporting the patient's involvement in patient safety by motivating and promoting openness and comfort in interactions with patients and their families.