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Engelsk titel: What happens to the staff's attitude towards Care on equal terms when the community health
centers are involved in the Learning project?
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Akhavan, Sharareh
Språk: Swe
Antal referenser: 25
UI-nummer: 15073013
Equity in health and providing care on equal terms is one of the most important
aspects of a welfare society. Several reports indicate that the health care
services are not equal. The purpose of this study was to study health care
providers’ perceptions on equitable care and their ideas about methods to
achieve a more equitable care. An web survey was sent to health care providers
whose unit were involved in the project "Care on equal terms" before and after
the project period. The results show that health care providers perceived that
the factors that influence clients’/ patients’ access to care on equal terms
consists of: structural / organizational factors in the health care organization or
in the society and clients’/ patients’ social situation.