Prediction of autoimmune diabetes and celiac disease in childhood by genes and perinatal
environment: Design and initial aims of the PAGE study
Engelsk titel: Prediction of autoimmune diabetes and celiac disease in childhood by genes and perinatal
environment: Design and initial aims of the PAGE study
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Stene, Lars C.
Joner, Geir
Stördal, Ketil
Språk: Eng
Antal referenser: 68
UI-nummer: 15043679
Type 1 diabetes and celiac disease result from misdirected immune mediated destruction of
host cells, and
are among the most common chronic diseases in children. Despite changes in incidence over the
past 3 decades,
little is known about non-genetic risk factors (except for dietary gluten for celiac disease). Norway
is among the countries in the world with the highest incidence of these two diseases. We describe
plans and study design for the PAGE study (Prediction of Autoimmune diabetes and celiac disease in
childhood by Genes and perinatal Environment). PAGE is a sub-study within the Norwegian Mother
Child Cohort study, including follow-up of more than 100,000 pregnancies. Children who develop type
diabetes or celiac disease are identified via linkage to the Norwegian Patient Register and the
Childhood Diabetes Registry, with complementing information from questionnaires. The overall aim
is to
test hypotheses about potential non-genetic risk factors for type 1 diabetes and for celiac disease,
with focus
on factors operating early in life. In addition to a full cohort analysis of factors registered in
we will analyse biomarkers in maternal blood plasma and cord blood plasma. Mothers and children
will be
genotyped for well-established susceptibility polymorphisms. Biomarkers will be analysed in cases
controls within the cohort. Factors to be tested in the full cohort include infant feeding, diet and
supplements in the mother during pregnancy and in the child, and use of antibiotics and non-
drugs. Biomarkers to be tested include 25-hydroxyvitamin D, markers of immune activation, and
metabolites (metabolomics). We will also explore the potential role of maternal cells in the fetal
(maternal microchimerism) in later risk of celiac disease and type 1 diabetes.