Svaer D-vitaminmangel medförte hypokalcaemiske kramper hos en etnisk dansk teenager
Engelsk titel: Severe vitamin D deficiency causing hypocalcaemic seizures in an ethnic Danish teenager
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Beck-Nielsen, Signe Sparre
Hertel, Niels Thomas
Språk: Dan
Antal referenser: 5
UI-nummer: 15047071
We describe an ethnic Danish teenage boy presenting with repeated non-febrile generalized hypocalcaemic seizures. During the previous two years he experienced fatigue, painful legs, increasing social isolation and failure to attend school. Severe hypocalcaemia was recognized at his
second seizure. After treatment with vitamin D his symptoms resolved and he became increasingly social and outgoing. This case describes possible non-skeletal effects of severe vitamin D deficiency and underlines the necessity of measuring ionized calcium at the presentation of non-
febrile seizures.