Läkare ser både för- och nackdelar med vårdens ekonomiska styrning. Enkätstudie ger fler nyanser - med avstamp i omdebatterad DN-artikelserie
Engelsk titel: Physicians see both pros and cons of health care financial management. Questionnaire study provides more insights - with starting point in controversial
DN-article series
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Björk, Joar
Petersson, Christer
Email: joar.bjork@kronoberg.se
Språk: Swe
Antal referenser: 29
UI-nummer: 15067273
In the spring of 2013, the Swedish journalist Maciej Zaremba wrote a series of articles criticizing the impact of NPM (New Public Management) on Swedish
health care. The present study examines the views of experienced Swedish physicians (general practitioners and internal medicine speclialists) on the problems
focused in Mr Zaremba’s article series. The respondents (51 general practitioners and 61 internal medicine specialists) mention advantages as well as
disadvantages with NPM in Swedish health care. The majority agrees that with NPM, physicians loose influence over health care governance to other
professional groups. The majority disagree with the charge made by Mr Zaremba that NPM has had the effect of manipulating Swedish physicians away from the
standards of good medical care.