The participant's perspective: learning from an aggression management training course for
nurses. Insights from a qualitative interview study
Background: Aggression management training for nurses is an important part of a
comprehensive strategy to reduce patient and visitor aggression in healthcare. Although training is
commonplace, few scientific studies examine its benefits.
Aim: To explore and describe, from a nurse's perspective, the learning gained from attending
aggression management training.
Design and methods: This was a descriptive qualitative interview study. We conducted semi-
structured individual interviews with seven nurses before (September/October 2012) and after they
attended aggression management training (January/February 2013). Interview transcripts were
content-analysed qualitatively.
Ethical issues: The study plan was reviewed by the responsible ethics committees. Participants gave
written informed consent.
Findings: Aggression management training did not change nurses’ attitude. Coping emotionally with
the management of patient and visitor aggression remained a challenge. Nurses’ theoretical
knowledge increased, but they did not necessarily acquire new strategies for managing
patient/visitor aggression. Instead, the course refreshed or activated existing knowledge of
prevention, intervention and de-escalation strategies. The training increased nurses' environmental
and situational awareness for early signs of patient and visitor. They also acquired some strategies
for emotional self-management. Nurses became more confident in dealing with (potentially)
aggressive situations. While the training influenced nurses’ individual clinical practice, learning was
rarely shared within teams.
Conclusions: Aggression management training increases skills, knowledge and confidence in dealing
with patient or visitor aggression, but the emotional management remains a challenge. Future
research should investigate how aggression management training courses can strengthen nurses’
ability to emotionally cope with patient and visitor aggression. More knowledge is needed on how the
theoretical and practical knowledge gained from the training may be disseminated more effectively
within teams and thus contributed to the creation of low-conflict ward cultures. Published by
arrangement with John Wiley & Sons.