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Tverrfaglig samarbeid i operasjonsteamet
Engelsk titel: Interprofessional collaboration in the surgical team Läs online Författare: Leonardsen, Ann-Chatrin Linqvist Språk: Nor Antal referenser: 30 Dokumenttyp: Artikel UI-nummer: 15061312


Nordisk Sygeplejeforskning 2015;5(2)218-27 ISSN 1892-2678 E-ISSN 1892-2686 KIBs bestånd av denna tidskrift


The hospital's operating room is the most reported scene for adverse events and errors. Good interprofessional collaboration is essential for safe patient care and high quality treatment. Discrepancies in the perceptions of collaboration are described in theory as barriers to good interprofessional collaboration. Research has shown a discrepancy in perceived collaboration in the surgical team, but says nothing about the causal factors for this discrepancy. The purpose of this study was to examine various explanations of discrepancies in the perception of collaboration. Data was gathered through an intensive case study, using 8 qualitative individual interviews. Data was analysed using a hermeneutic approach. Findings indicates that causal factors for the discrepancy in the perception of collaboration are based in the professional group itself, with a hierarchical division of the team, unequal participation in the work process, various perceptions of collaborative components and different perceptions of stress. Hence, the study focuses on a number of factors that contribute to discrepancy in the perception of collaboration. Several of these factors are of a structural nature, possible to take action against, so that the perceptions in the various professional groups can be better adjusted. The study can also be used to further development and use of the Surgical Safety Checklist.