Dögnåpne kommunale akuttenheter: En helsetjeneste-modell med rom for lokale
Engelsk titel: Municipal acute bed units: a national health service model with scope for local adaptation
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Skinner, Marianne Sundlisaeter
Email: marianne.skinner@hig.no
Språk: Nor
Antal referenser: 22
UI-nummer: 15123848
The Coordination Reform requires all the municipalities in Norway to establish emergency bed
units by 2016. The aim of this article is to provide a classification scheme of municipal acute bed
units and examine how the municipalities have utilized the flexibility they have been given in the
implementation of the units. The article is based on a study of the grant applications by 361
municipalities from 2012-2015. The results show that there is considerable diversity in the way in
which the units are organised. They vary according to size, location and doctor services. Eight
models of acute bed units and three models of organisation of doctors’ services are identified. Using
translation theory, the article evaluates how the acute bed units as an organisational recipe have
been translated into practice. The analysis shows that the majority of the municipalities have utilized
a reproductive mode when translating the two first elements of the recipe: intermunicipal cooperation
and location, while nearly all the municipalities have entered a modificatory mode in forming their
doctor services. The municipalities’ use of the modificatory mode is mainly ascribed to the
organisational recipe’s vague and implicit character.