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Brukermedvirkning i helsetjeneste for eldre – en kvalitativ studie av to kommunale akutte dögnenheter og samarbeidende kommuner
Engelsk titel: User participation in healthcare service to the elderly – A qualitative study of two municipal acute units and the collaborating municipalities Läs online Författare: Johannessen, Anne-Kari M ; Steihaug, Sissel Språk: Nor Antal referenser: 39 Dokumenttyp: Artikel UI-nummer: 19120099


Tidsskrift for Omsorgsforskning 2019;5(2)1-14 ISSN 2387-5984 KIBs bestånd av denna tidskrift Denna tidskrift är expertgranskad (Peer-Reviewed)


Introduction: In today’s healthcare system, user participation should be a matter of course. How is user participation experienced in clinical practice? Method: The study was conducted in two municipal acute units and eight cooperative municipalities. Twelve patients, 8 relatives and 40 healthcare professionals were interviewed. Result: Patient participation was a rare occurrence in decision-making relating to the patient’s healthcare needs. Because of limited resources, professionals had limited authority and few opportunities to fulfil the patients’ wishes. Patients and their relatives did not talk about lack of participation, but about unmet needs. Professionals described user participation as listening and initiating a dialogue with the patient in a respectful manner. The home-based services primarily associated participation with activating and making the patients self-reliant. Conclusion: User participation does not appear to be well-established within municipal healthcare for the elderly. Limited resources imply that the professionals have a narrow scope of action, and patients seldom have the opportunity to choose services. The home services’ heavy focus on activity and self-reliance makes it difficult to ensure user participation. The patient can hardly choose not to become independent and self-reliant. The ideology of activity may reinforce the tendency to attach patients’ dignity to independence and self-reliance.