Aegtefaellers erfarede involvering i planlaegningenafrehabiliteringsforlöbet til aeldre personer
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Engelsk titel: The experience of spouses involved in planning the rehabilitation programme for elderly stroke
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Traerup Vad, Stine
Aadal, Lena
Språk: Dan
Antal referenser: 30
UI-nummer: 15123865
Background: Research shows that spousal involvement in the patient’s pathway improves the
effect of the rehabilitation. Spousal involvement seems particularly essential in the planning of an
individualized rehabilitation course when the patient is cognitive or communicative challenged. Aim:
To explore the experiences of spouses’ involvement in the planning of the rehabilitation efforts made
for elderly stroke patients and the circumstances that might influence these experiences. Method and
findings: Four qualitative life-world interviews were carried out. A hermeneutically inspired
interpretation revealed that spouses mainly associated involvement with their influence on the
choice of rehabilitation institution. Lack of time was a barrier for the experienced involvement as well
as the fact that only one-way information was offered from the staff. Conclusion: Spouses
experienced a limited degree of involvement. Building the intended partnership with the staff never
happened due to time constraints. According to this, the rehabilitation programme does not appear to
be organized individually for each patient.