Många patienter med suboptimal läkemedelsbehandling missas. Sensitivitet, specificitet och prediktionsvärde hos läkemedelsspecifika
kvalitetsindikatorer för äldre
This study aimed to evaluate the concurrent validity of drug-specific indicators of prescribing quality developed by the National Board of
Health and Welfare. In 200 hip fracture patients, quality of drug treatment was assessed according to a gold standard as well as to Swedish drug-
specific indicators. As gold standard, two specialist physicians independently assessed and then agreed on the quality of treatment, after initial
systematic assessments with explicit screening tools. According to the indicators and the gold standard, 82 (41%) 141 (71%) patients had
inappropriate drug treatment. The sensitivity for individual indicators ranged from 0.02 to 0.32, and the specificity from 0.90 to 1.00.