Kan en algoritme for bruk av prokalsitonin rasjonalisere behandlingen av nedre
Background: Based on internationally published studies on procalcitonin (PCT)-guided antibiotic
therapy for community-acquired lower respiratory tract infections, we decided to test PCT as a
diagnostic and guiding test for such patients admitted to our hospital. We aimed to present a PCT-
algorithm as a more standardised treatment regimen and possibly reduce the use of antibiotics.
Materials and methods: During a two-year period, starting January 2012, medical doctors registered
93 patients and regarded recommended antibiotic therapy before and after PCT test results were
revealed. A PCT treatment-algorithm was available.
Results: Additional knowledge of the corresponding PCT-value led to withdrawal of antibiotic
treatment in seven patients, as opposed to theoretically 59, according to the PCT-guided algorithm.
Conclusions: Our study showed a weak, non- linear correlation between CRP and PCT values. The
registration forms showed that antibiotic treatment was stopped for seven patients after knowledge of
the PCT value. Hence, the PCT-algorithm was scarcely used in this study. With increasing focus on
reducing the use of antibiotics, we will continue to offer PCT analysis in our hospital.