The meaning of quality of care in home care settings: older lesbian and bisexual women's
Engelsk titel: The meaning of quality of care in home care settings: older lesbian and bisexual women's
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Grigorovich, Alisa
Språk: Eng
Antal referenser: 72
UI-nummer: 16043559
Research suggests that the experience of being a lesbian or bisexual woman influences
women's interactions with health care providers, and their perception of the quality of care. Limited
research to date, however, has examined how ageing and sexuality mediates women's experiences
of quality, when accessing health care in the community. To fill a gap in the literature, this study
investigated older lesbian and bisexual women's perspectives on the meaning of quality of care in
the context of receiving home care services. This was a qualitative single case study. Sixteen
participants, aged 55-72 from Ontario, Canada, participated in semi-structured interviews between
2011 and 2012. The interviews were recorded and transcribed. The interview data were analysed
using iterative thematic analysis and guided by a feminist ethic of care perspective. Participants
described quality of care in ways that were in line with a feminist ethic of care; that is, they wanted
care providers to be responsive and attentive to their needs, to involve them in the caring process
and to demonstrate respect and caring. Participants also indicated that providers’ comfort with, and
knowledge of, sexual diversity was important for enabling quality of care. These findings deepen our
understanding of how to support quality of care for this population through changes to provider
education and training, and health policy. Published by arrangement with John Wiley & Sons.