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Fysioterapi i skolehelsetjenesten for ungdom - perspektiver og praksis
Engelsk titel: Physiotherapy in School Health Services for adolescents - perspectives and practice Läs online Författare: Ottesen, Alette ; Öyehaug, Gro Askland ; Bjorbaekmo, Wence Schröder Språk: Nor Antal referenser: 26 Dokumenttyp: Artikel UI-nummer: 16053743


Fysioterapeuten 2016;83(4)48-52 ISSN 0016-3384 KIBs bestånd av denna tidskrift Denna tidskrift är expertgranskad (Peer-Reviewed)


Introduction: Today there is an expressed concern for children’s and adolescent health, and the fact that many students do not complete highschool. In order to meet these challenges, school health services need to be strengthened and multidiciplinary teams developed. Main part: Describing the health challenges of adolescents today, and also different understandings of body and health, we discuss, based on a phenomenological perspective, physiotherapists’ possible understanding and competence in meeting young people’s health challenges. Bodily expressions can be said to be characterized by contradictions, which cannot be reduced to a simple question of inactivity and obesity. What possibilities can be given to youth, enabling them to live their bodies changing towards adulthood, - and how can physiotherapists contribute to this process? Conclusion: What opportunities can be given in order to enable young people to live their changing bodies towards adulthood? How can physiotherapists contribute to this process? In our opinion, physiotherapists’ knowledge about body and movement related to experiences, health, participation and function in the broadest sense, is a way of strengthening the multidisciplinary team in school health care, both in prevention and health promotion activities for youth.