Engelsk titel: Value-based care is implemented quickly - worthy successor to NPM?
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Akner, Gunnar
Järhult, Bengt
Email: akner.gunnar@gmail.com
Språk: Swe
Antal referenser: 8
UI-nummer: 16067495
The international trend »value-based care« (VbC) started with a book by Porter and Olmsted Teisberg in 2006 followed by
Porter’s 7-point proposal for value-based reform of health care in 2009. VbC may have relevance for delimited, procedure-related
health problems with a foreseeable course of development. Most health problems in health care, however, do not involve such
delimited problems. VbC is probably not suited as a steering model for chronic health conditions or for multiple health problems.
VbC is being rapidly introduced to steer health care without scientific evidence.