Zolfino landrace (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) from Pratomagno: general and specific features of a
functional food
Engelsk titel: Zolfino landrace (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) from Pratomagno: general and specific features of a
functional food
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Balestri, Francesco
Rotondo, Rossella
Moschini, Roberta
Pellegrino, Mario
Cappiello, Mario
Barracco, Vito
Misuri, Livia
Sorce, Carlo
Andreucci, Andrea
Del-Corso, Antonella
Mura, Umberto
Email: antonella.delcorso@unipi.it
Språk: Eng
Antal referenser: 28
UI-nummer: 16083038
Background: The Zolfino bean is a variety of Phaseolus vulgaris, which is cultivated in a limited
area of Tuscany, Italy, and is widely appreciated for its flavor and culinary uses.
Objectives: A yellow Zolfino landrace cultivated in the Leccio-Reggello area was characterized and
compared with three other varieties of Phaseolus vulgaris (i.e. the Borlotto, Cannellino, and Corona
beans) in terms of its general features and potential as an antioxidant/anti-inflammatory agent.
Design: The length, width, thickness, equatorial section surface, weight, volume, and seed coat
section were measured in all the beans. The seed surface area was also estimated by an original
empirical method. The ability of the different beans to interfere with the enzymes of the polyol
pathway (that is, aldose reductase (AR) and sorbitol dehydrogenase) was tested using the
supernatant after soaking the beans at room temperature and after thermal treatment, which
simulated the bean-cooking process in a controlled fashion.
Results: Concerning the general features, Zolfino was comparable with other beans, except Corona,
in terms of surface–volume ratio, which possesses the lowest tegument thickness. Moreover, Zolfino
appears the most effective in inhibiting AR activity. The inhibitory ability is unaffected by thermal
treatment and appears to be associated with compound(s) present in the coat of the bean.
Conclusions: The ability of Zolfino to inhibit AR, thus reducing the flux of glucose through the polyol
pathway, highlights the features of Zolfino as a functional food, potentially useful in treating the
dysfunctions linked to the hyperactivity of AR, such as diabetic complications or inflammatory