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Viktigheten av legemiddelsamstemming for å sikre trygg overgang til elektronisk multidose
Engelsk titel: The importance of medication reconciliation to ensure safe transition to electronic multidose Läs online Författare: Mamen, Anette Vik Språk: Nor Antal referenser: 26 Dokumenttyp: Artikel UI-nummer: 16113536


Norsk Farmaceutisk Tidsskrift 2016;124(10)32-5 ISSN 0029-1935 KIBs bestånd av denna tidskrift Denna tidskrift är expertgranskad (Peer-Reviewed)


Background: In 2014 a solution for implementing ­electronic prescriptions in the ­multidose drug dispensing (MDD) system was piloted. The objective of this study was to investigate the number and type of discrepancies between the general practitioners’ (GPs) and the pharmacy’s medication records before implementation, and to identify good routines for the conversion. Material and methods: In 4 Norwegian municipalities ­medication records from 54 GPs were compared to the records from the pharmacy, the ­discrepancies were noted. Results: In 328 records, 436 discrepancies were disclosed. In the first group (229 ­patients) 70% had one or more discrepancies, 49% when dietary supplements and pro re nata (PRN) medication were ­ excluded. In the second group (99 patients) where the GPs received the pharmacy’s ­medication lists prior to the study, 36% had ­discrepancies, 29% when ­supplements and PRN were excluded. Conclusion: The agreement between the medication records was low, thus making medication reconciliation necessary in order for MDD patients to get correct medications. Due to the number of discrepancies and short time frame for converting to new routines, the reconciliation should be ­ performed as a separate process prior to the conversion so that the first ­medication list sent to the pharmacy is as correct as possible.