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Sykepleie til eldre med psykiske lidelser som bor hjemme
Engelsk titel: Taking care of people suffering from neuropsychiatric illness living at home Läs online Författare: Saeterstrand, Torill Margaret ; Holm, Solrun G Språk: Nor Antal referenser: 38 Dokumenttyp: Artikel UI-nummer: 16113609


Geriatrisk Sykepleie 2016;8(2)16-25 ISSN 1891-1889 E-ISSN 1893-563X KIBs bestånd av denna tidskrift


Background: People suffering from neuropsychiatric illness are often in need of caring and nursing over a long period of time. Research show that patients suffering from such illness does not very often get enough care in practice. Aim: To gain knowledge about nurses experiences from taking care of older people living at home and suffering from chronic and neuropsychiatric illness. Method: Qualitative analysis. Fieldwork and qualitative interviews with 11 nurses who worked in four units in two different municipalities in Norway. Results: Challenges in clinical nursing explains the process nurses work in when they take care of people with neuropsychiatric illnesses living at home. This is caring for patients, taking care of family members, managing complex patient situations and the need for coaching and cooperation. Conclusion: To gain a good cooperation with other health personell to strengthen the competence is important, especially when the goal is caring. Nurses with education in neuropsychiatric care can strengthen the competence maybe, and reach a better patient care. The organization of the community health system needs to be studied