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Vakenkirurgi vid låggradiga gliom rekommenderas. Goda resultat av 7 års erfarenheter i Linköping
Engelsk titel: Awake craniotomy for brain tumours Läs online Författare: Milos, Peter ; Metcalf, Kerstin ; Vigren, Patrick ; Lindehammar, Hans ; Nilsson, Malin ; Boström, Sverre Språk: Swe Antal referenser: 32 Dokumenttyp: Artikel UI-nummer: 16117957


Läkartidningen 2016;113(41)1744-7 ISSN 0023-7205 E-ISSN 1652-7518 KIBs bestånd av denna tidskrift Denna tidskrift är expertgranskad (Peer-Reviewed)


Awake neurosurgery is a useful method in lesions near eloquent brain areas, particularly low-grade gliomas.The aim is to maximise tumour resection and preserve neurological function. We performed 40 primary awake surgeries and 8 residual surgeries. Patients were operated awake throughout the procedure or with a laryngeal mask and general anaesthesia during the opening stage and then awake during intracerebral surgery. Language and motor function were mapped with direct cortical stimulation, motor evoked potential and standardised neurological testing. Radiologically, complete resection was achieved in 18 out of 40 patients in the primary surgeries. Full neurological recovery at three months was observed in 29 patients. Of the 11 patients with persisting neurological deficits at three months, symptoms were present preoperatively in 9 patients. We conclude that awake surgery, combined with intraoperative neurophysiological methods, is a safe method to improve treatment for low-grade gliomas.