Engelsk titel: Health inequalities - a particularly Nordic challenge?
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Diderichsen, Finn
Email: fidi@sund.ku.dk
Språk: Dan
Antal referenser: 10
UI-nummer: 16123632
Health inequality was by Nordic Council of Ministers selected as a health
policy issue where Nordic collaboration is needed. The Nordic welfare state
model can only be sustained with a high employment rate, but growing inequalities
in health means that low education, ill health and no employment
are increasingly interdependent. That is a challenge for a social investment
welfare state that aims at investing in the population’s education and health.
Because educational achievements and hindered by ill health, and rehabilitation
by low education. Social investments can raise social mobility but without
less inequality in living conditions it means equal opportunity to achieve
very unequal living conditions and health. And without making resource allocation
to education and health care driven more by need than demand the
vicious circle of low education, ill health and no job not be broken.