Anaesthesiological nursing care – Perception of general anaesthesia in outpatients undergoing cancer diagnostics
Engelsk titel: Anaesthesiological nursing care – Perception of general anaesthesia in outpatients undergoing cancer diagnostics
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Bjerring Nors, Tine
Dreyer, Pia
Mark, Edith
Språk: Eng
Antal referenser: 27
UI-nummer: 17030126
Aim: To explore outpatients’ perception of general anaesthesia in diagnostic cancer pathways.
Background: The number of patients following diagnostic cancer pathways in an
outpatient setting is rapidly increasing. Research is limited. These patients might experience
the general anaesthesia and the outpatient setting in a different way as patients without
suspected cancer. Anaesthesiological nursing care could influence the patient’s experience
and ability to cope. Design: Four patients following a diagnostic cancer pathway were
interviewed and their narratives analyzed using a phenomenological – hermeneutic
approach. Results: The informants preferred the outpatient setting and expressed the same
anxiety of the anaesthesia as former outpatients. They seemed particularly vulnerable
because of the prospects of cancer. They experience transition between health and possible
disease and are facing changes in their basic human conditions. A present and individual
care from the nurse anaesthetist combined with security and support from relatives seem
to help them through. Conclusion: Study patients are vulnerable due to facing changes in
basic human conditions and life transitions. They need the nurse anaesthetist to combine
security, individuality and care.