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Generel tilfredshed med Joint Care
Engelsk titel: General satisfaction with Joint Care Läs online Författare: Bjerggard, Erna Kristine ; Fabricius, Stine Rönde ; Hövsgaard, Susanne Jung ; Blokager, Else Sophie Skougaard ; Leonhardt, Jane Schwartz Språk: Dan Antal referenser: 6 Dokumenttyp: Artikel UI-nummer: 10113888


Sygeplejersken 2010;110(19)56-9 ISSN 0106-8350 KIBs bestånd av denna tidskrift Denna tidskrift är expertgranskad (Peer-Reviewed)


The articles presents a qualitative study of patient- and staff’ experience of further development of the Joint Care concept in the Orthopaedic Surgical Ward, Vejle Hospital. The study is based on interviews with five patients and five staff members. Results: The patients felt well-informed prior to surgery, which gave a feeling of security and was a motivating factor in relation to their post-operative progress. The patients considered it helpful being in a ward with other patients with the same diagnosis. Following discharge, several patients felt ill-prepared for the occurrence of pain and swollen legs. Staff experience of the Joint Care concept was demonstrated through positive experiences with the patients. Patient satisfaction became a motivating factor for further development of the concept. The competency development experienced by the staff was significant in terms of motivation, job satisfaction, responsibility, general satifaction and equality in the staff group. The challenge of the Joint Care concept in the future is to adapt care specifically to the individual patient. It is particularly important that general information is always followed up by information tailored to the individual.