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Plats för existensen: En fallstudie från antroposofisk rehabilitering vid långvarig smärta
Engelsk titel: Place of existence: A case study from anthroposophical rehabilitation in long-term pain Läs online Författare: Hök Nordberg, Johanna ; Arman, Maria Språk: Swe Antal referenser: 20 Dokumenttyp: Fallbeskrivning UI-nummer: 17040200


Socialmedicinsk Tidskrift 2017;94(1)40-7 ISSN 0037-833x KIBs bestånd av denna tidskrift


The aim of this study was to further understand patients’ experiences of antroposophic care for long-term pain. One woman’s story was analyzed qualitatively with a narrative approach. The results give an increased understanding of the experience ”to be seen”, e.g. being seen by caregivers as well as to get a new insight into oneself, one’s needs and life. Through therapeutic conversations, touch and a calm atmosphere, the woman who’s story is analysed here, has regained a sense of connection to other people and the world and her entire existence is opening up. This raises questions about how to explicitly address the need for compassionate care, a caring and contemplative environment in plans for persons with long-term pain.