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The occurrence of pressure damage in the oral cavity caused by endotracheal tubes
Engelsk titel: The occurrence of pressure damage in the oral cavity caused by endotracheal tubes Läs online Författare: Wickberg, Maria ; Falk, Ann-Charlotte Språk: Eng Antal referenser: 27 Dokumenttyp: Artikel UI-nummer: 17060228


Nordic Journal of Nursing Research 2017;37(1)2-6 ISSN 2057-1585 E-ISSN 2057-1593 KIBs bestånd av denna tidskrift Denna tidskrift är expertgranskad (Peer-Reviewed)


The aim of this observational study was to investigate the occurrence of pressure damage caused by endotracheal tubes (ETT) when the tube is repositioned from one corner of the mouth to the other every third day. For the assessment of oral condition and the eventual damage caused by ETT, a modified version of the Oral Assessment Guide (OAG) was used. The oral condition was assessed once per day in all adult patients who were orally intubated with a tube for over 24 hours. Thirty-eight patients were included in the study. Most patients (n = 33, 86.8%) had no pressure damage. Five patients (13.2%) had pressure damage on the oral mucosa and lip caused by endotracheal tubes. The group with damage to the oral mucosa was treated with noradrenaline, had bleeding problems and clotting disorders and had significantly more intubated and study days. The assessment of the oral mucosa according to the OAG reflected the worsening oral condition in the group with pressure damage. Endotracheal tubes may need to be repositioned more often than every third day to avoid pressure damage in patients with a high risk of complications, and individually tailored care may need to be implemented.