Hvordan reagerer små samiske lokalmiljöer når kvinner forteller om seksuelle overgrep? Intervju med incestutsatte kvinner fra to ulike samiske lokalmiljöer i Nord-Norge
Engelsk titel: How do small Sami local communities react when women tell about sexual abuse? Interviews with incest exposed women from two different Sami local communities in northern Norway
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Minde, Gunn-Tove
Weber, Astrid
Email: gunn-tove.minde@uit.no
Språk: Nor
Antal referenser: 29
UI-nummer: 17090235
The media has recently disclosed that 11 women and men have reportedly been subjected to violence and sexual abuse. They all come from one small municipality in Northern Norway. Most of them belong to the indigenous Sami people. In this article, sexually abused women are interviewed about how it is to live in small Sami communities when you have been victims of violence and sexual abuse. You are like a hamster in a cage. The interviews have been done by two bachelor students; this is one of a few articles about violence and sexual abuse among indigenous Sami people in Norway.