Engelsk titel: The pharmacology of illicit drugs
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Horwitz, Henrik
Email: henrik_horwitz@hotmail.com
Språk: Dan
Antal referenser: 26
UI-nummer: 17120072
Around 33.000 Danes have a harmful use of illicit drugs, and thus,
dentists will encounter patients with signs of drug abuse in their
everyday practice. The purpose of this paper is to give a brief
introduction into the pharmacodynamic properties of well-known
illicit drugs, such as: heroin, cannabis, khat, amphetamine, cocaine,
GHB, ketamine, LSD, and psilocybin. In the acute settings,
like with drugs such as GHB and heroin will be associated with
deep coma, while amphetamine and cocaine increase the sympathetic
drive and the patient will appear violent or aggressive.