En randomiseret og enkeltblindet undersögelse af effekten af reparationsöl på tömmermaend
Engelsk titel: A randomized, single-blinded study of the effect of intake of repair beer during a hangover
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Hartmann, Jacob P
Lund, Morten Toft
Email: mortentl@sund.ku.dk
Språk: Dan
Antal referenser: 17
UI-nummer: 18020006
We conducted a randomized, single-blinded study of the effect of alcohol intake during a hangover. We measured cardiovascular parameters, and the participants filled out a series of questionnaires regarding their well-being. We found, that an intake of five beers led to a significant decrease in systolic blood pressure, heart rate and self-reported feeling of palpitations. However, the self-reported sense of well-being did not improve. In addition, we found that the risk of brain freeze increased, as the beer‘s temperature fell.