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Konsekvenser af tobak og alkohol i mundhulen
Engelsk titel: Consequences of tobacco and alcohol in the oral cavity Läs online Författare: Kongstad, Johanne ; Reibel, Jesper Språk: Dan Antal referenser: 102 Dokumenttyp: Översikt UI-nummer: 18020013


Tandlaegebladet 2017;121(12)1028-34 ISSN 0039-9353 KIBs bestånd av denna tidskrift Denna tidskrift är expertgranskad (Peer-Reviewed)


Tobacco and alcohol consumption are classical life style factors causing oral diseases and conditions. Usually, high consumption of alcohol is associated with neglect of oral hygiene, which increases the problems. Smoking has decreased in Denmark in later years, but the use of electronic cigarettes and snuff seems to increase. Importantly, dentists should recognise symptoms and signs caused by tobacco and alcohol such as discolourations of teeth and dental restaurations, classical symptoms of periodontal disease, peri-implantitis, stinging related to yeast infection, roughness of the oral mucosa caused by hyperkeratosis, and soreness and pain that might be related to cancer development. Dentists’ efforts in counselling on the effect of high consumption of tobacco and alcohol have been shown to have an impact in a broader health perspective preventing disabling and life threatening diseases in other organs and tissues. Also, dentists have a unique opportunity for secondary prevention in a high percentage of the population through daily routine screening of the oral mucosa. In this article an update on oral diseases caused by smoking and alcohol consumption is given, with the most important oral health problems being related to periodontal disease, implant survival, and oral cancer