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Forskningsnettverk med leger og tannleger - et pilotprosjekt med datauttrekk fra elektronisk pasientjournal
Engelsk titel: General practitioners and dentists - a pilot project based on data extraction from electronic patient records Läs online Författare: Espelid, Ivar ; Simonsen, Kristian A ; Skaare, Anne B ; Willumsen, Tiril ; Straand, Jörund ; Gjelstad, Svein ; Klock, Kristin S ; Berggreen, Ellen ; Rörtveit, Guri Språk: Nor Antal referenser: 16 Dokumenttyp: Artikel UI-nummer: 18030038


Norske Tannlegeforenings Tidende 2018;128(1)8-14 ISSN 0029-2303 KIBs bestånd av denna tidskrift Denna tidskrift är expertgranskad (Peer-Reviewed)


Clinical research in primary care is scarce compared to hospital care. In part, this may be due to the lack of infrastructure for such research in a decentralized service. Research institutions in general practice and oral health in Norway have collaborated to establish practice-based research networks (PBRN) in primary care. PBRNs have been successfully established in countries such as the UK, the Netherlands and Canada. The aims of the project were (i) to evaluate experience with recruitment, organization and participation of general practitioners (GPs) and dentists in a pilot research network; (ii) to develop and test methods for extracting anonymous data from GPs' and dentists' electronic patient records (EPR), and (iii) to evaluate GPs' and dentists' routines for handling dry mouth problems and interaction between the two professions in this respect. The results are presented in two papers. The current paper addresses the two first aims. A total of 74 doctors and 77 dentists participated. Altogether, 165 adminitrative hours were used for recruitement of 151 clinicians. The extraction of data caused some problems and the free text extracts required particularly thorough review to ensure validity. More than half of the participants answered a questionnaire. Most of the respondents would consider participation in a future research network, and they suggested courses, financial compensation or support for their own quality assurance activity as important facilitating factors. Scarcity of time and heavy workload were mentioned as barriers. There were small differences between the two professions.