Betydningen av å vaere trygg 2. Et polyvagalt perspektiv på psykoterapi med utviklingstraumatiserte barn
Engelsk titel: The importance of being safe: 2. A polyvagal perspective on psychotherapy with developmentally traumatized children
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Eide-Midtsand, Nils
Språk: Nor
Antal referenser: 29
UI-nummer: 18030123
Informed by the therapeutic process of a young boy, the article seeks to demonstrate the great heuristic value of polyvagal theory to clinical work with traumatized children. To provide a setting that feels safe is not only a prerequisite for therapeutic work; it is an integral part of therapy itself. When feeling safe and free to express themselves many of the children spontaneously begin to explore and experiment with enhancing their capacity for parasympathetic immobilisation without fear as well as for joyful sympathetic mobilisation. Often this is accomplished through the medium of play rather than with words. Polyvagal theory provides the field with new perspectives and organising principles that have the potential of both increasing our understanding of our patients’ behaviour as well as stimulating our imagination of how to provide the child with a safe environment for his/hers explorations.