Engelsk titel: Sustainable leadership in complex organizations and businesses
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Mellner, Christin
Aronsson, Gunnar
Email: christin.mellner@psychology.su.se
Språk: Swe
Antal referenser: 46
UI-nummer: 18050042
Both employees and managers report increased stress-related, psychologi-cal health problems, which is mirrored in increased sickness absence. The aim of this article is to build and develop a sustainability perspective on wor-king conditions and employee- and leadership in modern organizations. Fo-cus is on social sustainability in terms of quality of relationships, social and psychological awareness, trust and open communication as well as leaders opportunities to focus in an assignment of increasing complexity. These are preconditions for developing the potential of both modern organizations and the on-going digitalization to enhance work-life balance, recovery and health. Emphasis is on the development of individual approaches, awareness and strategies that strengthen leaders’ ability to operate and lead in complex organizations, develop employees’ resources as well as promote leaders’ own sustainability. We argue that a well-functioning interplay between orga-nizational conditions and individual approaches is vital and provide a mutual strengthening that contribute to the devlopment of health-promoting leader-ship, good working environment and sustainable organizations.