Engelsk titel: To share or not to share - that's the question
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Dahl, Jonas
Werr, Andreas
Email: jonas.dahl@phdstudent.hhs.se
Språk: Swe
Antal referenser: 38
UI-nummer: 18050045
Professionals’ sharing of experiences is an important source of learning and
social sustainability in organisations. This paper investigates what makes
professionals share experiences of success and failure with their colleagues.
More specifically, we investigate what supports and limits experience
sharing in organizational contexts where career and income stakes are high.
In two qualitative case studies we investigate how consultants in two knowledge
intensive consulting organisations reason when deciding to share (or
not to share) their experiences. We conclude, that this reasoning is guided
by image concerns rather than potential gains and that these image concerns
are assessed in relation to five dimensions: norm conformity, potential
knowledge contribution, relational quality and status and image dependence.