Engelsk titel: Orthodontic induced inflammatory root resorption
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Faxen, Varro
Sonnesen, Liselotte
Email: alson@sund.ku.dk
Språk: Dan
Antal referenser: 52
UI-nummer: 19020200
About one third of children and young adults in Scandinavia receive orthodontic treatment fully financed by the counties/municipal health services. In addition, many children and adults receive self-financed orthodontic treatment. A side effect of orthodontic treatment is the occurrence of root
resorptions. The aim of this article is to describe pathogenesis, prevalence and aetiology of orthodontically induced inflammatory root resorption (OIIRR). This article is based on a literature review of studies regarding root resorption after orthodontic treatment. OIIRR is a side effect of tissue response
in order to resorb an ischemic zone formed around the root of the tooth (“hyalinized zone”), initiated by orthodontic forces. Upper incisors have the highest risk of developing OIIRR. The presence of minor, clinically irrelevant, OIIRR is 32-96%. The occurrence of severe OIIRR is 1-5%. The aetiology is complex
and multifactorial and there are many predisposing factors for OIIRR such as individual susceptibility and factors induced by orthodontic treatment. During orthodontic treatment, it is therefore important to pay attention to the anamnesis and diagnostics of the patient, as well as understanding how the
orthodontic treatment procedure should be optimized in order to reduce the risk of severe root resorptions.