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Månens cyklus’ indflydelse på epileptiske anfald
Engelsk titel: Christmas article. The influence of lunar phases on epilectic seizures Läs online Författare: Debes, Nanette Mol ; Genét, Malthe Folmer Språk: Dan Antal referenser: 21 Dokumenttyp: Översikt UI-nummer: 19030142


Ugeskrift for Laeger 2018;180(25)2277-80 ISSN 0041-5782 E-ISSN 1603-6824 KIBs bestånd av denna tidskrift Denna tidskrift är expertgranskad (Peer-Reviewed)


An old myth asserts, that the lunar phases influence epileptic seizures. This Christmas article examines the assertion by reviewing four articles about the correlation between the lunar phases and the frequency of seizures in patients with epilepsy and in patients with non-epileptic seizures. Hypotheses suggest, that sleep disturbances, melatonin level and nocturnal illumination may play a role in the relation between lunar phases and epileptic seizures. However, because of inconsistency in the literature, we cannot conclude any relation between the occurrence of epileptic seizures and the lunar phases.


Engelska MeSH-termer