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Ergo- og fysioterapeuters erfaringer med hverdagsrehabilitering
Engelsk titel: Ergo- and physical therapists' experiences of everyday rehabilitation Läs online Författare: Jörmeland, Charlotte ; Vik, Kjersti Språk: Nor Antal referenser: 31 Dokumenttyp: Artikel UI-nummer: 19050358


Ergoterapeuten (Oslo) 2019;62(1)36-45 ISSN 0800-3475 KIBs bestånd av denna tidskrift Denna tidskrift är expertgranskad (Peer-Reviewed)


There has been a growing interest in reablement in Norway lately. Occupational therapists (OT) and physiotherapists (PT) are described as key persons working with reablement. The purpose of this study was to develop knowledge about how implementation of reablement has influenced OT’s and PT’s thinking and everyday work. A qualitative method was used for collecting data and analysing. Three focus group discussions were conducted and a total of ten both OT’s and PT’s participated. The data was analysed with inspiration from qualitative content analysis. The result showed two main themes: «The positive experiences of the implementation», with the sub-themes: «Everyone is thinking about reablement», «The whole service is concerned about empowerment», «Collaboration with nurses is valuable» and «Multidisciplinary assessment». The second main theme was: «Challenges following the implementation» with the sub-themes: «Now everyone does everything», «I don’t know what or who I’m working with tomorrow» and «We don’t get enough time to do our job thoroughly enough». Conclusion of the study demonstrate that OT’s and PT’s change their thinking and working methods due to the implementation of reablement. A common mindset of reablement throughout the department is of great importance for therapists working in line with the values of reablement.