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Refleksion over sygeplejeteori styrker fagidentitet
Engelsk titel: Reflection on nursing theory reinforces professional identity Läs online Författare: Holmen Mouritsen, Ellen ; Lorentzen, Vibeke Språk: Dan Antal referenser: 9 Dokumenttyp: Artikel UI-nummer: 19060061


Sygeplejersken Fag&Forskning 2019;119(2)70-4 ISSN 1601-7617 KIBs bestånd av denna tidskrift


The fact that student nurses find it hard to see the point of nursing theory, and are challenged by having to relate theory to clinical practice, is nothing new. However, a new statutory instrument prescribing the integration of nursing theory in nurse training makes it relevant to interview almost-qualified student nurses concerning their perceptions of the applicability and relevance of nursing theory in clinical practice. The interviews were conducted in a qualitative survey-based study of six student nurses. A subsequent analysis identifies four main themes: Challenges in integrating nursing theory; A theoretical platform for clinical practice; Professionalism acquired through nursing theory; and The reflective dimension catalysing greater appreciation of nursing theory. The study concludes that student nurses find it difficult to appreciate the applicability and relevance of nursing theory, especially the philosophical theories with a high level of abstraction. Nonetheless, nursing theory is seen as providing a theoretical platform for clinical practice and promoting acquisition of a nursing professional identity. The interview setting becomes a reflective dimension that raises the students’ awareness of nursing theory as a key factor in acquiring their professional identity. This reflective dimension broadens student perspectives on the applicability and relevance of nursing theory in clinical practice.