Clean or sterile technique when inserting indwelling urinary catheter: An evaluation of nurses’ and assistant nurses’ interpretations of a guideline at an acute-care hospital in Sweden
Engelsk titel: Clean or sterile technique when inserting indwelling urinary catheter: An evaluation of nurses’ and assistant nurses’ interpretations of a guideline at an acute-care hospital in Sweden
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Kulbay, Aysel
Tammelin, Ann
Språk: Eng
Antal referenser: 21
Jämförande studie
UI-nummer: 19060165
Insertion of indwelling urinary catheters should be performed in a way that minimizes the risk of introducing bacteria to the urinary bladder. Nurses and assistant nurses from three departments at an acute-care hospital in Sweden answered a questionnaire about their insertion of urinary catheterization. Of the 563 nurses, 92% answered the questionnaire. Among the 492 who performed catheterization, 58% (n = 287) said that they followed the hospital guideline. Two-thirds of those following the hospital guideline said that they used clean technique and one-third sterile technique. In all, 82% considered the catheter should be kept sterile while inserted but only 16% described all the prerequisites to achieve this. Over 90% of the respondents performed catheterization less than once a week. Our conclusion is that a guideline should describe every step of catheterization in detail and that an evidence-based process for implementation of the guideline is necessary to achieve uniformity in performance.