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Integrere eller isolere? Lederes ivaretakelse av samfunnsansvar i private virksomheter som produserer offentlige velferdstjenester
Engelsk titel: Integrate or isolate? Corporate Social Responsibility in private businesses producing public welfare services Läs online Författare: Sirris, Stephen ; Hansen, Torunn Aalerud Språk: Nor Antal referenser: 20 Dokumenttyp: Artikel UI-nummer: 19090097


Tidsskrift for Psykisk Helsearbeid 2019;16(3)122-34 ISSN 1503-6707 KIBs bestånd av denna tidskrift Denna tidskrift är expertgranskad (Peer-Reviewed)


This article identifies how managers practice corporate social responsibility (CSR) in private businesses that produce housing and care services on behalf of the public. In a managerial perspective drawing on interviews, we explore economic, juridical, ethical and philanthropic dimensions of CSR within the field of mental health work. The managers integrate CSR-dimensions by developing flexible health services suited to individual clients, providing quality in the services, seeking reflection about practical dilemmas, and contributing to the local community. Managers describe the CSR-dimensions as organizational core tasks, yet tensions between CSR-dimensions constitute managerial challenges. According to the managers, CSR represents an ethical way of thinking where values-consciousness informs everyday managerial practices.