Mäns våld mot kvinnor - dess samhälleliga och interpersonella betydelse
Engelsk titel: Men's violence against women - its social and interpersonal significance
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Holmberg, Carin
Email: carin.holmberg@sesambandet.se
Språk: Swe
Antal referenser: 35
UI-nummer: 20020145
The author mainly discuss research about men ́s violence against women trough a lens of gendered based power structures. During the last ten years in Sweden the lanuguage has become gendered neutral obscuring the fact that majority of cases of violence in the domestic realm still is about men abu-sing women. Holmberg point to changes in the political conceptualisations. Then she dicsuss the leaving process and it ́s three phases: The Physical Leaving; The Emotional Leaving and The Cognitive Leaving. Lastly Holmberg urges to include companion animals in the analysis of the leaving process. The emotional bond between the woman and the companion animal can ea-sily be used by the abuser to stop her from leaving the violent situation.