Tysta risker och skadehändelser i boendemiljöer för hörselskadade och vuxendöva i Sverige
Engelsk titel: Silent risks and injury events in residential environments for hearing impaired and deaf people in Sweden
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Lundälv, Jörgen
Email: jorgen.lundalv@socwork.gu.se
Språk: Swe
Antal referenser: 23
UI-nummer: 20040015
People with hearing impairments showed a relatively low frequency of injuries in an interview survey on injury events in residential environments.
A total of seven people (six persons with hearing loss and one deafened adults) were interviewed about their own injury experiences, risks and injury
prevention work in their residential environments. Regularity in safety thinking, maintenance of hearing aids and fire alarms and alertness for new risks
were such things that the interviewees considered important.