The nurse in clinical practice. A qualitative analysis of nursing competence
Engelsk titel: The nurse in clinical practice. A qualitative analysis of nursing competence
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Hindsen U
Fridlund B
Språk: Eng
Antal referenser: 36
UI-nummer: 95104981
Swedish colleges and universities are now adapting their syllabuses to the new open European labour market. In this respect the syllabus for training of nurses is to be reorganized. Thinking in terms of health will be very important in the training program and will require practical experience of nursing. The aim of this study was to examine the demands made on competent nurses working in clinical practice. An open question was asked and the results were analysed by the constant comparative method. The 23 nurses interviewed had to answer the question: "What do you require of a competent nurse?" From the empirical data, characteristics of six different ideal types were described. A competent nurse has the ability-to create a good atmosphere; concentrate on the patient and always to have an ethical and humanitarian approach; to teach and instruct; to organize, make priorities, cooperate and make documentations; to use her theoretical knowledge and be able to put it to use; to be keen on development and change. The study showed that a competent nurse has a wide field of knowledge, but also highlighted the complex of the nursing profession. If the nursing student can acquire these skills she will be well prepared for her central role in clinical practice.
Published by arrangement with John Wiley & Sons.