Deinstitutionalization of the elderly in Finland, 1981-91
Engelsk titel: Deinstitutionalization of the elderly in Finland, 1981-91
Aro, Seppo
Noro, Anja
Salinto, Marjo
Språk: Eng
Antal referenser: 44
UI-nummer: 57587
The success of Finnish deinstitutionalization policy among the elderly in 1981-1991 was evaluated in terms of institutionalization rates and case-mix. Censuses of institutionalized people in all public and private residential homes and health centre hospitals (or nursing homes) were performed in 1981 and 1991. Because of rapid demographic change the absolute number of elderly in long-term care remaind almost constant. The case-mix has become more demanding and the proportion of elderly in constant need of extensive help has risen.