Den talande kroppen - en vårdvetenskaplig studie ur blivande sjuksköterskors
Engelsk titel: The expressive body - a nursing scientific study seen from the future nurses'
perspective of life
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Bergbom I
Lindwall L
Dahlberg K
Språk: Swe
Antal referenser: 28
UI-nummer: 02013570
both a private and invisibly relation
to the body and at the same
time a body fixation look for the
complete body image. Many philosophers
have reflected upon the
human body and the relation between
body and soul. The present
study is a qualitative description
of the lived body in everyday life.
The point of departure is the idea
that nurse students’ experience of
their own body influences their
nursing praxis. The aim of the
study was to describe how nurse
students experience their lived
body in different life situation.
A phenomenological approach
was used to provide a deeper
understanding of the lived body,
and a method that aims at describing
a phenomenon’s essence
was applied in the analysis. Data
were collected from twelve nurse
students in the age between 20
and 44 years. All of them wrote
narratives that describe the body
in different life situations. The
essence of the lived body as nurse
students experience it is described
as a expressive body, which
tries to attain dignity. The
essence is further understood
through four constituents; the
body’s language, the body’s
power, the body’s fear and the
body’s powerlessness. The conclusion
of this phenomenological
study is that nurse students have
vivid experiences of their body
and that the body to them is more
than a physical thing.