Solide tumorer. Molekylaerbiologisk baseret klassifikation, prognose og terapi
Engelsk titel: Solid tumors. Classification based on molecular biology, prognosis and therapy
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Fenger C
Dutoit SH
Språk: Dan
Antal referenser: 10
UI-nummer: 03031199
The introduction of molecular techniques into the routine diagnostic analysis of solid tumours has been slower than for hematological neoplasias, both because the former in general genetically are more heterogeneous and because their tumour cells are less accessible. This review presents examples of methods which can be used in the identification of risk groups, classification and prognosis of tumours, detection of minimal residual disease, choice of therapeutic strategy and tracing of possible hereditary cases. It is concluded that molecular laboratories should be established in connection with departments of pathology at the larger hospitals and that further development should take place through close collaboration between pathologists, molecular biologists, and clin-icians.