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Strokedrabbade kvinnors svårigheter med mat och måltider
Engelsk titel: Struggling with food and meals: a study of women stricken by stroke Läs online Författare: Gustafsson K ; Andersson J Språk: Swe Antal referenser: 42 Dokumenttyp: Artikel UI-nummer: 04043374


Vård i Norden 2004;24(1)4-8 ISSN 0107-4083 E-ISSN 1890-4238 KIBs bestånd av denna tidskrift Denna tidskrift är expertgranskad (Peer-Reviewed)


The aim of this study was to investigate: energy and nutrient intake in eighteen women stricken by stroke, how they perceived and valued food-related duties in everyday life, how they handled food shopping and cooking, and what strategies they used as well as what attitudes they held regarding the need for help. Swedish community- dwelling women, born 1912–1935, were selected for the study. Participants were both cohabiting and living alone. The methods used were a repeated 24- hour recall and qualitative interviews with an ethnographic approach. The results showed that the women struggled greatly to be independent in their performance of food-related duties. Some of them had a negative attitude towards aids and assistance. The wish to be independent and not to be a burden made it difficult for the women to accept help from relatives or society. The women’s situation and their dislike for receiving help with food-related duties meant that their energy intake and intake of some nutrients were lower than recommended for this group of women. The implication for nursing is that care-plans for implementation of assistance should be developed in co-operation with the women in order to maintain their self-determination and that a positive collaboration should be established with personnel caring for the women. Women should also be advised to enrich their food with, for instance, cream or oil, and to eat nutritious snacks between meals.