Kvalitetsvurdering i sundhedsvaesenet. Patienters oplevelser af sygehusenes kvalitet
Engelsk titel: Quality control in the National Health Service. Patients' experiences of hospitals' quality
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Freil M
Lehmann Knudsen J
Email: mofr@glostruphosp.dk
Språk: Dan
Antal referenser: 10
UI-nummer: 04051176
It has been decided to develop a national programme for quality assessment and improvement in Danish health care. The aim is for all hospitals to be in an accreditation process by the end of 2006. Patients' experiences are expected to become an important element of the programme. The National Danish Patient Satisfaction and Evaluation Survey (LPU) and regional follow-up initiatives are described in this article. The conclusion is that the national survey will become an important tool in the accreditation process for baseline and follow-up measurement of patients' experiences.