Förvåningar, överraskningar och kulturkrockar - sjuksköterskestudenters erfarenheter av
Engelsk titel: Expectations, surprises and cultural clashes - nursing students' experiences of field studies
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Sandin I
Grahn K
Email: Ia.sandin@telia.com
Språk: Swe
Antal referenser: 22
UI-nummer: 04073779
One of the main goals for the
Swedish Higher Education is to
develop the students´ possibility
to develop cultural competence.
This study is about a group of
nurse students at the Swedish Red
Cross University College and
their experiences of field studies
abroad. The curriculum for these
students consists of an elective
course, 5 weeks, where they study
transcultural nursing and have
the opportunity to carry out field
The purpose of this study was to
summarise and analyse the nurse
students´ experiences from these
field studies. Data consist of 33
written reports.
Data compiling was content
analysis where the researchers
look for general themes and
interpret the students´ significant
The result shows that the students
´ own culture was an important
reference for them. For most
of them the contact with the foreign
culture was very interesting
and developed a deeper insight in
other peoples´ habits and way of
thinking but the encounter could
also be frustrating and hard to
cope with.
The conclusion is that experiences
of these kinds seem to be very
important. Various teaching and
learning strategies are important
to strengthen the development of
cultural sensitivity and later cultural