Engelsk titel: Systematic alcohol intervention in hospitals
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Lund Mortensen T
Tönnesen H
Email: ht02@bbh.hosp.dk
Språk: Dan
Antal referenser: 40
UI-nummer: 04091127
Introduction: A number of hospitalised patients show excessive alcohol consumption, which may affect both their illness and the treatment process. Our aim was to identify a procedure for intervention with inpatients with excessive alcohol consumption identified by systematic screening. Materials and methods: We made a search for literature in the databases MEDLINE, EMBASE and the Cochrane Library between 1966 and 2003, supplemented by a manual search. A total of 898 publications was identified, 800 of which did not concern hospital patients; only 13 of the remainder met the inclusion but not the exclusion criteria. Results: The 13 studies comprised seven randomised and six clinically controlled trials, all of which were based on brief interventions. The screening method, definition of alcohol group, intervention and effect outcome were noted. Ten out of the 13 studies showed a positive effect of the intervention in one or more areas, whereas the remaining three showed a reduction in alcohol consumption in both the intervention and control groups without any significant difference between the groups. Discussion: Up until now, the studies of inpatients have all been heterogeneous but indicate that brief intervention may have an effect. Therefore it is recommended that this type of intervention form part of the clinical procedure. However, other types of interventions should also be investigated, and the establishment of a clinical database in support of further research in this area is also recommended. Overall this area holds great potential for development.