Evidence-based educational strategies for evidence-based nursing - a literature review
Engelsk titel: Evidence-based educational strategies for evidence-based nursing - a literature review
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Segesten K
Email: kerstin.segesten@hb.se
Språk: Eng
Antal referenser: 35
UI-nummer: 04103236
Background: Nurses use a limited amount of scientific evidence to secure good nursing care, due to organisational superiority, limited knowledge and training as well as limited access to literature.
Aim: To study if the literature reveals any evidence that supports certain educational strategies to be used in order to disseminate scientific nursing knowledge and promote evidence-based nursing practice.
Methods: This paper reviews recent literature concerning educational strategies to enhance evidence-based nursing. About 200 articles from nursing journals and some allied health fields were read and analysed.
Results: Single measures to promote evidence-based practice such as lectures and state-of-the-art publications have little impact on daily practice. Most effective seems to be a work model based on the problems on the ward, following a planned change strategy and including feedback to a target group.
Conclusions: More attention need to be paid to the issue of implementing research based knowledge into nursing care. More research is needed concerning effects of various attempts to promote evidence-based practice.