Introduction: Danish shipyards have an accident incidence rate that is three times as high as that of the rest of the metal industry and six times as high as all occupations grouped together, in terms of accidents that are reported to the authorities. Materials and metods: This study followed a cohort of 613 shipyard workers employed at a shipyard in Denmark. The shipyard registered any work-related incident that required any form of medical/paramedical treatment that resulted in a break in work. A questionnaire with a series of questions about the consequences of and the circumstances surrounding the accident was completed by the injured person and his supervisor. A sample of those injured was also interviewed by telephone. Results: The overall incidence rate was 31/100,000 work hours for all accidents fulfilling the criteria for registration. In 143 (38%) of the 350 registered accidents, injury resulted in sick leave, in the majority of cases (73%) for less than seven days. A large proportion of the injuries (26%) were distortions to the wrist. Most of the distortions to the wrists were caused by tripping over equipment, a consequence of bad housekeeping where many cables, pipes and other equipment were left lying around in gangways. Twenty-five percent of injuries were to the eyes, and these were because of lack of use of safety goggles. Discussion: The results single out areas of risk where a preventive effort is needed. In the analysis of the interview data, we can point to good housekeeping as important in preventing many distortions caused by slips and falls. Wearing safety goggles is another area where a preventive effort is needed.